In the digital world, each video you watch on demand is actually a file sitting on a server. CineSquare is a complete and intelligent solution which allows a user to acquire and watch a video chosen among a custom selection. It is a VoD platform for promotion and distribution of films from 13 countries from Southeast Europe. The countries from South East Europe (North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Kosovo, Cyprus and Turkey) represents a huge potential market and the VoD platform will be a new alternative tool that can help the distribution of films in the region and beyond. The content of the platform is feature films and feature documentaries as well as the short films from the Region, with special sections for young and upcoming authors. Initially, the platform operates on the principle Pay per view for the commercial movies, while later, with the increasing of the content; it was transformed into double play model – one for pay per view, other for monthly or annually subscribers. One of the advantages of this platform is that the VoD is part of the existing platform “”, a data base of more than 20.000 film professionals.
The platform was developed thanks to the support from Eurimages and the North Macedonia Film Agency. With the grant received from MEDIA Creative Europe, Cinesquare has implemented SVOD model and has been promoted across multiple marketing channels.