From film premieres to VOD, virtual cinema offerings to festivals, channels and events hosting, Cinesquare offers a virtual experience.
You focus on your programming and sponsors, we’ll handle the technology, customer service and support and all the necessary operations to provide your unique virtual solution.
Cinesquare offers a simple, user-friendly virtual space. Your audience can watch on the device they already own.
● On-demand
● Live streaming
● Virtual Cinema
● Streaming Channel
● Film Collection
● Multiple languages
We offer more than tech. Think of us as a trusted guide and friend in the virtual experience.
Film festivals are more than screenings. Give your audience an experience, not a link.
● We host virtual film festivals, or only online parts of film festivals, hosted on our dedicated platform online (on our or your domain), for a limited time: all or part or the duration of your festival.
● The virtual experience contains everything the in-person festival provides from the safety and convenience of home – set dates, schedule, limited screenings and capping of views for each specific film. Sponsors, juries, voting and awards, and prerecorded or live interviews with filmmakers may be added.
Robust API
● Use our API to build a totally custom video experience in your own applications.
Pass Types
● Configure different pass groups to limit access to only certain videos in your library.
Video Insertions
● Insert intro or outro clips to select videos, or set global insertions across your library.
Playlist Support
● Combine multiple videos into playlists that can be accessed as one transaction.
Stunning Quality
● Adaptive-bitrate means that videos will never buffer and always look fantastic.
Festival Package starting from 1000€including:
●Web interface with modifying objects;
●Implementation of the interface with the design;
●Multiple languages;
●Encoding, uploading, and storing;
●Implementation of info pages with details for the films and adding subtitles;
●Curation of films in selections and collections;
●Geo Blocking and limit access;
●Multiple levels of security against download and high performance;
●Reporting (daily, weekly, monthly and final);
●Content viewing limit;
●Free codes for jury members, journalists, team members;
●Voting and Awards;
●Technical and administrative support.
~ 20 films
~2000 min streaming content
Film Programs
Individual Film Page
~ 35 films
~3000 min streaming content
Custom integrations, guide, interactive schedule and much more
~ 50 films
~4000 min streaming content
Custom integrations, guide, interactive schedule and much more
~ 100 films
~10000 min streaming content
And SO different unique integrations for film festivals
Cinesquare has provided services for 25+ festivals and some of them are:

Contact us for a custom quote for a plan that fits your needs on